Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Ok, just so everyone knows - this was not published because Jamie reminded me - I think he got sick of it - but simple because I finally realized how lax I've become in writing. So here you go.

Have you ever been thoroughly scared by a close friend or family member? Like one of those turn around the corner in a dark room at midnight and someone pops out at you kind of things... and the thing that amazes me is that as soon as you realize it's just a friend/brother/acquantance you're mind still doesn't calm down right away. Just so you know, I'm not *that* easily scared since I've learned to expect brothers and cousins to pop out of corners but people around dark houses that are empty don't feel quite the same... and when I got thoroughly freaked once it took me at least 5 minutes to stop breathing hard and let my heart calm down even though I knew it was fine.

Why is that? Is it some mind-reality link that gets rusty when not used frequently or just something else? Anyway, there are my two cents for the moment. My best wishes for a very un-scary year.;-)

But to be on the safe side - remember to expect your brother to be around the corner in a dark empty house at midnight. It'll help you breathe easier when it happens.;-)